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Academic Search UltimateDiscovery search
Academic Search Ultimate contains full text articles and abstracts from thousands of scientific journals and other types of publications. Most of these articles have been peer-reviewed. The focus of this database is on the STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics), the social sciences and the humanities.
Apache is a news organization focused on research journalism. Their website offers deep dives into complex societal issues with an emphasis on independent content.
Art Full TextDiscovery search
Art Full Text is a foundational art research database providing full-text art journals and books. It covers fine, decorative and commercial art and many more. This database includes 1,110 active indexed and abstracted journals. 778 of them are peer-reviewed. It also includes more than 14,000 indexed art dissertations and more than 230,000 indexed art reproductions.
Arts and Architecture SourceDiscovery search
Art & Architecture Source is a full text database for arts research. This database offers a wide range of international sources on visual, decorative and commercial art, as well as architecture and architectural design. The database includes full text art journals, books, abstracts and thousands of images.
Arts Premium Collection
Arts Premium collection contains articles from thousands of international journals on music, visual arts, architecture, film and performance arts. It provides a valuable source of information for academic research into these arts.
belgapress users have access to the digital archive of Belgian newspapers and the Roularta magazines (starting at 2 days old).
Register once and log in with your AP email address.
Boom coaching collectie
Boomportaal offers access to the complete contents of the 700 Dutch language ebooks published by Boom. These ebooks cover topics such as: management, organizational skills, business strategy, marketing, sales and communication.
Business Source UltimateDiscovery search
Business Source Ultimate contains articles from international magazines like Business Week, Forbes, Fortune and The Economist. This database covers all disciplines within the field of Business Management: marketing, management, accounting, banking and insurance or finance.
Chemiekaarten provides users with up to date information to enable them to safely work with chemical compounds. It has countless charts on chemical compounds with safety instructions on how to handle them, what to do in case of an emergency, their toxicity and more.
Communication & Mass MediaDiscovery search
Communication and Mass Media Complete offers texts and abstracts of journals in the fields of communication, mass media, linguistics, logic and related disciplines.
Cotan has an overview of Dutch language psychodiagnostic tools for testing and assessment including their reviews. The website’s target audience consists of psychologists, teachers, HR professionals and anyone who makes use of psychodiagnostic methods in their line of work.
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics
The CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics is the online edition of the handbook. The online version of the handbook will always be updated to the latest edition.
The dietary treatment guidelines are a helpful tool for dieticians. The guidelines describe the standard procedures that dieticians have to follow with every dietary treatment. These guidelines are bases on the principle of evidence based practice.
Directory of Open Access JournalsDiscovery search
The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) is a website that offers a comprehensive overview of thousands of open access journals and the articles contained in those journals. The goal of the website is to promote the visibility and ease of access to scientific open access journals and increase the usage of these journals.
DSM is the acronym of “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders”. This is a handbook listing mental disorders published by the American Psychiatric Association.
E-books Academic CollectionDiscovery search
Ebooks Academic Collection is a sizeable collection with tens of thousands of ebooks from Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Cambridge University Press, Harvard University Press, Elsevier Taylor & Francis, Sage and Wiley.
E-books healthcare (VPN access unavailable)Discovery search
This collection of about a thousand ebooks focused largely on the topic of healthcare. Included subjects range from psychology, nutrition, dietetics, dementia, addiction, dentistry, pedagogy to diagnostics. This collection can be accessed through SpringerLink.
Education Full TextDiscovery search
Education Full Text is a research database for education students, professionals and policymakers. It includes full-text education journals that cover the essentials of education and related fields of study, including in-depth coverage of special education.
The Fisconetplus portal is published by the FPS Finance. The finance department makes a range of tax and legal information available to its staff and aims to extend access to this information to the general public.
GreenFILEDiscovery search
This extensive resource covers all aspects of the human impact on the environment. Its collection includes content on climate change, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy and recycling.
Hospitality and tourism completeDiscovery search
Hospitality & Tourism Complete includes the output of scientific research and news from the tourism and hotel sector. The database contains 828,000 bibliographical descriptions from 1965 to the present day and texts from about 500 magazines and books.
Informatorium voor voeding en diëtetiekDiscovery search
The Informatorium on Nutrition and Dietetics is a systematic reference work covering everything there is to know about the field of nutrition and dietetics. For years this title has been the standard work for every dietician and it has now been made available online.
International Bibliography of the History of Art
A bibliography of the history of Western art. The basis for the database is BHA (period 1990-2007); the International Bibliography of Art of IBA (period 2008 and partly 2009) and the Répertoire de la litterature de l’art of RILA (period 1975-1989). This database is not updated.
International Bibliography of Theatre and DanceDiscovery search
Contains more than 60,000 journal articles, book chapters and dissertations from 126 countries on all aspects of theatre and dance.
This brand name database with nutritional composition can be consulted free of charge after a single registration.
Invert contains descriptions of articles from Dutch-language nursing journals such as: TVZ, Cordiaal, Verpleegkunde, Kritiek, Nursing, Nederlands tijdschrift voor woundverzorging, Bijzijn XL, Oncologica, Critical care... Since 1993 Invert indexes about fifty magazines that contribute about 2.500 articles a year.
JStor Music (unreliable VPN access)Discovery search
JStor music contains articles from 77 journals and 2300 eBooks on scientific research and theory in music. The collection includes journals from The Netherlands, Croatia, Hungary, Germany and France.
Jura is a legal library offering legislation, case law and doctrine, news and models. There are more than half a million documents in Jura with new information added daily. The information is indexed according to the different branches of the law.
Library, Information Science & Technology AbstractsDiscovery search
LISTA indexes more than 580 core journals, books, research reports and proceedings in the field of information science
Magritte Online Complete
The Complete Magritte Online should be considered a work in progress. It aims to gather all of René Magritte’s works, with the exception of his drawings and commercial art. Regular updates will provide the most up-to-date information available.
MedlineDiscovery search
This bibliographic database provides citations, abstracts of 5,000 biomedical and medical journals. A wide range of topics are covered such as nursing, dentistry, health care and paramedical professions.
MGG Online (unreliable VPN access)
Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart is the largest and most comprehensive German music encyclopedia. Among western music reference sources, only the New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians is comparable to it in size and scope. The encyclopaedia is published by Bärenreiter and Metzler.
MonKEY offers the most in-depth and essential information on personal tax, corporate tax, VAT, company law and accounting.
NBN Edu Portaal
Edu Portaal offers direct access to more than 30.000 standards published by NBN
Nutrition Resource CenterDiscovery search
A point-of-care tool designed specifically for dietitians and nutritionists. Allows access to trusted resources for education, practice and research to provide patients with the highest level of care possible
OTDBase Occupational Therapy Database
This database contains data on all major international journals on occupational therapy published between 1970 and the present. The articles can only be consulted at a charge.
Oxford Art OnlineDiscovery search
Also known as Grove Art Online, this is the premier academic art encyclopedia for both Western and non-Western art. It covers all aspects of visual culture with articles, bibliographic data for further research, and searchable images made available by museums,
Oxford Music OnlineDiscovery search
Also known as Grove Music Online, this is the leading online resource for music research, a comprehensive compendium of over 50,000 articles and 30,000 biographies contributed by more than 6,000 scholars from around the world.
Oxford Reference
Collection of general and specialist reference works and language dictionaries from Oxford University Press. The collection of reference works covers a wide range of scientific fields: general books, linguistics, humanities, social sciences, business studies, medicine and natural sciences.
PEN, Global Resource for Nutrition Practice
PEN of the British Dietetic Association and the Dietitians of Canada contains up-to-date scientific information on nutrition and health. It provides evidence-based answers to questions posed in the everyday practice of a dietitian.
Performing Arts Periodicals Database
Contains data and abstracts of 400 international full-text journals from about 160 titles. It contains 1 million records, most of which were published in the last 10 years. Themes include dance, drama, theatre, musicals, opera, pantomime, art, film, television and more. Coverage: 1864 to present day.
Pharmacopoeia (only for students Nutrition and Diet)
The European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.) is the reference work in Europe for the quality control of medication. The official standards it contains provide a scientific basis for quality control throughout the product life cycle. These standards are legally binding as stipulated by the Council of Europe Convention.
Professioneel begeleiden (VPN access unavailable)
Access to the archives of 10 Dutch professional journals on professional coaching: Tijdschrift voor coaching, Loopbaanvisie, Tijdschrift voor Ontwikkeling in Organisaties, Tijdschrift Positieve Pyschologie, De Nieuwe Meso, Psychosociaal Digitaal, TA Magazine, Tijdschrift voor Begeleidingskunde and Examen – tijdschrift voor de toetspraktijk.
PubMed is a search engine with free access that searches the MEDLINE database of references for medical scientific articles as well as the database of books of the NCBI. It contains practically all publications of medical importance of the last decades.
Pubmed searching with EvidenceHunt
EvidenceHunt allows you to search for clinical evidence in Pubmed in a quick and effective way.
You also have the option to subscribe to weekly e-alerts for your search.
Rechtskundig weekblad
Rechtskundig Weekblad (only available in Dutch) keeps a close track of current legal affairs, and its editorial team strives to publish commentaries on new legislation as well as important judgements, often annotated by subject specialists, as soon as possible. Furthermore, the reader will find in a lot of useful information on seminars and congresses, as well as on recently published legal works.
RILM - Abstracts of Music LiteratureDiscovery search
Bibliography published by the Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale with citations, abstracts, and subject index. From hip hop to Händel, from ethnomusicology to music therapy, from basic music education to advanced music theory...
RIPM - Retrospective Index of Music Periodicals with Full textDiscovery search
The Retrospective Index of Music Periodicals (RIPM) is a bibliographic database for music literature from c. 1800 to 1950 A.D. The archive consists of original volumes, reprints, microfilms, and scanned music periodicals from RIPM and its partner institutions and music libraries. It is a searchable collection of full-text music journals.
RISM - Répertoire International des Sources Musicales
Répertoire International des Sources Musicales or RISM is an international non-profit organization whose goal is to comprehensively document the world's preserved musical sources from before 1800. To this end, RISM is compiling a comprehensive resource directory describing what musical sources exist and where they are preserved.
Science DirectDiscovery search
Science Direct is a digital platform for scientific publications in the fields of life sciences, natural sciences, social sciences and technology. You can access articles from more than 2,200 journals. Please note: the e-books on this platform are not included in our license!
senTRAL is an important source of information on safety, environment and occupational medicine, created in consultation with prevention advisors, environmental coordinators and occupational physicians from the field.
Springer English E-book collection (VPN access unavailable)Discovery search
SpringerLink is the digital platform of the publisher Springer. It allows you to access the content of more then 118,000 e-books and the full-text articles from some 3,500 electronic journal subscriptions.
Springer Dutch E-Book collection Healthcare and Social Work (VPN access unavailable)Discovery search
The integral text of more than 1,000 Dutch-language textbooks on health care, nutrition, parenting, and diagnostics from publisher Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum.
Springer Online Journals (VPN access unavailable)Discovery search
SpringerLink is the digital platform of Springer publishers. You can access the content of a portion of the e-books on this platform and the full-text articles from a 3,000-volume electronic journal subscription.
Teacher Reference Centre (TRC)Discovery search
Teacher Reference Center (TRC) provides indexing and abstracts for 280 peer-reviewed journals on assessment, continuing education, curriculum development, language literacy, best practices, ...
Trefzeker – Social Guidance
Teacher Reference Center (TRC) provides indexing and abstracts for 280 peer-reviewed journals on assessment, continuing education, curriculum development, language literacy, best practices, ...
Trends Top contains up-to-date company information on Belgian companies: address details, contacts, key figures, annual accounts in pdf format, sector analyses, links to Trends magazine and Kanaal Z, among others.
Unicat is your gateway to all scientific collections in Belgium, it gives you an overview of what is available in the libraries of Belgian universities, colleges and other academic institutions.
Specialist Library Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum (VPN access unavailable)Discovery search
Here you can access the content of journals and loose-leaf magazines about mental health. Some well-known examples are: Bijblijven, Denkbeeld, GZ-Psychology, Child and Adolescent, Education and Health Care, Nursing, Neuropraxis and Psychopraxis, and the Journal of Social Work.
Van Dale dictionaries
Van Dale Dictionary Dutch and the translating dictionaries (v.5.0) from Dutch to German, English, French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese.
Warenwetgeving - Commodity Law
Commodity legislation of 'die keure' includes regulation of the food inspection, economic and agro-economic regulation and regulation of the Institute of Veterinary Inspection.
Web of Science (VPN access unavailable)
Web of Science (WoS) is a collection of citation indices. These collectively cover more than 11,000 scientific journals. In addition, the proceedings of some 12,000 scientific conferences are added each year. In total, the data of more than 46 million articles is recorded. The following information about these articles is stored: title, names of authors and publication data.
Wiley Online Library JournalsDiscovery search
Multidisciplinary collection of online resources in the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities, among others. It provides access to more than 4 million articles from 1,500 journals, more than 15,000 online books and hundreds of reference books, protocols and databases.
With WorldCat, you have access to the collections and services of more than 10,000 libraries around the world.